Philippians 1:27 Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, (Break 1) so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, (Break 2) 28 and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God. (Break 3) 29 For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, 30 having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me. (Break 4)
Break 1 & 2 – Reasons you should have actions/conduct worthy of the gospel.
Who else or what else is worthy of your conduct or actions? No one is worthy of our conduct except Christ Jesus. When we live for him our conduct will be more than adequate for anyone but to what do we live to be worthy of? The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What does it mean to walk “worthy of the gospel of Christ?” It means that we live a life that represents a Savior who gave up all so that we may have life.
You are writing a gospel, a chapter a day; by the deeds that you do and the words that you say.
Men read what you write, whether faithful or true; just what is the gospel according to you?
- Source unknown
If I were to check your facebook, song lists on your itunes or ipod, your favorite movies or artists would it reflect conduct or actions that are “worthy of the gospel of Christ?”
What is the gospel according to _________ (you) ?
Break 2 – Your conduct should unite you with other believers
How are you acting away from those that might hold you accountable? This is the true reflection of the inner man/woman. If you put on a front when people around you, you might want to repent or even evaluate your salvation. If you are working hard at deceiving man how much harder are you, in vain, trying to deceive Christ?
Are your actions revealing a desire to conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel?
Let me ask you, if someone were to be explaining you to me, would words such as faithful, united, encouraging, loving or compassionate be spoken? Or would words be: divisive, mean, inconsiderate, hateful, or is a gossip?
My desire for this student ministry and for you as individuals is that what I hear about you is what Paul desired to hear of the saints in Ephesus and the bishops and deacons. That of having: One Spirit, One Mind for the One Faith in the gospel of Christ Jesus.
One Spirit means unity of desires which ties together last week’s study and next week’s.
One Mind means unity of plans of how to accomplish the furtherance of faith in the gospel.
Break 3 –Your conduct should reveal a lack of fear of your adversaries
What does it mean to you, if you fear something?
Doesn’t fear reveal that you believe that something could hurt you, beat you, humiliate you or overcome you? Christ did not give us a spirit of timidity/fear. He gave us a spirit of boldness/power. Christ said to his disciples and to us, "These things I have spoken unto you, that you in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." There is no reason to fear your adversaries! Christ is within you and HE has overcome the world. The World cannot hurt you!
Scripture says that your lack of fear is “to them a proof of perdition.” What does that mean?
Perdition means ruin, loss or waste
Your conduct worthy of the gospel is a waste to the unbeliever but for you it is to your salvation. It is accredited to not creating it. Your conduct is a product of your salvation not the production of it.
Break 4 – Results of conducting yourself worthy of the gospel and not fearing your enemies.
Now let’s think about this, it has been granted (gifted) to you…
1. To Believe in Him
2. To Suffer for Him
References are John 16:33 – You will have tribulations; and 2 Timothy 3:12 – Yes, all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
I usually don't give things to people I know is going to make life hard but Christ's economy is not the same. My mind is not the mind of Christ. I must surrender to His will and way. His gift to us is the ability to believe in God and to suffer for his name. Have you opened your gift?
Maybe you are struggling because the devil and your adversaries are seeing conduct worthy of the gospel of Christ. Is that what they are seeing?
You need to realize the gospel that you are writing. Are you writing a gospel that is only worthy of the true gospel:
when someone is looking?
when there is no adversary to intimidate you?
when there is no persecution to try you?
Don’t live in fear. Live worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Grace and Peace, Blake Prater