Every-so-often I am brought to a point in which something bothers me until I say or write something about it; I am at that point now.
In Sunday school we talked about purity vs sensuality this past week and I brought up how sin has distorted our use of certain things originally created for good.
There are many things such as the internet, phones, and money but more specifically I'm thinking about plastic surgery and make-up. Plastic surgery was created for severe injuries to help in the recovery of a normal life for military or civilians injured due to war directly or indirectly. Here is a link to a more precise account: http://www.aboardcertifiedplasticsurgeonresource.com/plastic_surgery/history.html.
But today, plastic surgery is to "fix" what naturally isn't right. This has bothered me for years. I have also noticed a commercial which is ridiculous to have on Christian radio that states, "we don't create beauty, we reveal it." Really?! Reveal beauty through surgery? Beauty isn't revealed by a scalpel and and a surgeon, it's revealed by God both inwardly and outwardly. Today's young ladies are being enticed to have this "work" done to "reveal" their beauty. I've heard it said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," and I would thoroughly agree with that! Look around at people married or in relationships. Some people do not look like they should go together but by God's great power, they see beauty in one another!
Let me tell you what creates a more bothersome feeling within me. When a young man or young woman has had, let's say, a nose-job, breast implants, tummy tuck, botox or other physical altering procedure done, how will they have any idea what their child is going to look like? I know their love should not be based on the child's looks. I get that, but how will he/she know if the other had not been cheating on the other? These changes that men and women are getting are not truthful. How can people say their love is whole if the people themselves are not?
On top of that issue, is the issue of makeup. My daughter has become interested in putting on some makeup and it gets on my nerves. My daughter is beautiful without any enhancements, if you will. I see so many young ladies putting on, some to the extent of caking on, makeup to impress other young men. Is this necessary? No. One thing that I love about my wife and actually made her more attractive was the fact she did not have to wear makeup to be beautiful.
Another problem with extreme makeup, along with extreme tanning, is the aging that looks to take place. I have seen young ladies who are 13 look as if they are 18 to 20 because of the extreme use of makeup. My soul is wrenched by the fact that these young ladies desire to look older to get older guys to like them. The problem is, they older guys don't like them, they lust them. So dangerous are these young ladies to themselves, their futures and their future spouses.
Dads, we have got to get a hold on this now. This is not the responsibility of Mom. Mom is not a guy, or should not be! Dads, we know the mind of men. We must defend our daughters in our homes and teach them who they are in Christ, not who they are in makeup. I'm sorry but when I see a young lady all caked up in makeup you will not hear me say, "How beautiful."
I'll say how beautiful when they are baptized, dress with modesty and have self-respect, pray in the midst of their peers, surrender to ministry and when they are dressed in white for their godly husband. That's beautiful.
So to conclude this thought, subtle changes may not be so subtle later in life. I encourage all young ladies to think about who you are in Christ before becoming who you think you should be in makeup. Don't get physical changes because God has created you the way he intended. God loves you how he created you and if it is God's will for you to marry, men also, God has set apart a person for you. Pray and pray more so you may know the will and plans of God.
In Christ,
Blake Prater
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